All-in-One Checker
Our English Corrector Online checks grammar, spelling, punctuation and even plagiarism! You won’t need to use any other tools.
Absolutely Free
Using our English corrector is free – just paste the text and get the results of a comprehensive check. Plus, you may install a browser extension.
Grammar is the cornerstone of how we communicate and express ourselves.
As a writer, knowing how grammar works makes it easier to monitor the meaning of your sentences, as well as communicate effectively with your readers. Poor English grammar, on the other hand, makes you appear careless, which can ultimately taint your credibility as a writer. In the world of academia, students are also required to submit error-free essays, term papers, and dissertations as a requirement for completing their academic journey.
As a person that’s constantly dealing with huge workloads of written documents, it’s almost impossible to manually check all of them for grammatical errors. And that’s where our online English checker comes in. Powered by AI, NLP, and English grammar rules, the English text corrector scans your texts, flags all grammar-related mistakes, and offers suggestions on how to fix them.
Writing Styles That Are Compatible With Our English Grammar Check Online Tool
As a writer, the writing style you use is pegged on the message you intend to send, as well as the target audience. In other words, it’s like choosing a hairstyle. Whereas there’s nothing wrong with a fancy hairstyle for an evening dinner with friends, you may want a minimalist hairstyle that enhances your professional appearance during an interview.
Likewise, there are different writing styles that you may come across when writing your texts. Academic papers, job applications, emails, and business documents, for example, fall under the formal writing category, whereas blogs and articles may require either a casual or creative writing style, depending on your brand’s voice and target audience.
Luckily for you, our free English checker lets you choose a specific writing style you intend to use, as well as customize the suggestion types you receive. Whether it’s essays, dissertations, blogs, articles, emails, business documents, or any other written document, the English sentence checker will ensure correct grammar usage in your writing.

Key Features and Functionalities of Our English Sentence Corrector
This English grammar online check utility is one of the most versatile tools of its kind currently available on the market, helping you improve the overall quality and readability of your writing. It is fitted with a suite of features and functionalities, making it the ultimate proofreading and editing workhorse.
Here are some of the features and capabilities offered by our online grammar check English utility:

Proper English Checker
Today, it is estimated that 1.4B people (both native and non-native) speak English, making it the most spoken language in the world. In fact, English is the default language in academia, technology, manufacturing, international business, tourism, and much more.
Despite its wide use, however, many English speakers still find it difficult to master the art of correct grammar usage, all thanks to a diverse catalog of English grammar usage rules. This is especially the case in written communication, where the rules of grammar usage are completely different from spoken English.
Luckily for you, our grammar checker online free English utility identifies and corrects common grammar mistakes such as verbs, nouns, pronouns, homonyms, typography, prepositions, and more. Along with detecting, highlighting, and fixing grammatical errors, the English grammar checker online utility also provides a detailed explanation of why the error occurred. As a budding writer, this functionality is particularly important as it helps you avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.
Spelling Mistakes Check
Although MS Word is capable of flagging some basic spelling errors, it does have difficulties in identifying homonyms. Basically, homonyms are words or phrases that have a similar pronunciation, despite their spelling and meaning being different.
As a non-native English speaker, you may misspell some words or even use homonyms interchangeably in your writing, ultimately altering the meaning of your sentences. With our online corrector English check tool, you can quickly flag silly typos in your writing, eliminating the confusion that may arise from using homonyms.

Incorrect Punctuation Usage Check
Although treated as a second thought by some writers (and in some instances completely overlooked) punctuation marks play an important in written communication. They allow you to stop, pause, or even highlight certain parts of a sentence/s. At the very least, a missing or incorrectly placed punctuation mark can affect the readability of your texts or completely alter the meaning of your sentences.
Some of the most common punctuation marks in English writing include commas, periods, colons, semi-colons, dashes, exclamation marks, and question marks. With the help of our English writing checker, you can scan your texts for missing or incorrect punctuation and make corrections in real-time.
Wrong Capitalization Check
Wrong capitalization is yet another prevalent error faced by English writers. In English writing, capital letters are used to signify the beginning of a new sentence, signal official titles and names, and even highlight key phrases in a title.
When it comes to word capitalization, the basic rules are pretty simple. For starters, the first word or phrase in a sentence should be capitalized. Secondly, all proper nouns in your writing should be capitalized, irrespective of their position in a sentence. On the flip side, word capitalization is governed by special rules, with a good example being the omission of capitalization for quotations that follow an interruption in a sentence.
Unfortunately, most writers tend to overlook or forget the basic rules of capitalization, and instead, choose to focus on creativity. Our online English grammar check website will identify capitalization deficiencies in your writing and assist you in fixing them immediately.

Run-on Sentence Check
Run-on sentence construction occurs when two independent clauses in a sentence are joined together without appropriate conjunctions or proper punctuation. Essentially, there are three main categories of run-on sentences including:
Along with helping eliminate all the above run-on sentence errors, this English corrector grammar tool helps streamline other stylistic elements such as redundancies, repetitions, and more.
Word and Terminology Selection
A good piece of writing uses effective and precise language, ultimately conveying information functionally, as well as enlightening the reader. Besides proofreading your texts, this English checker free utility helps improve the quality of your content by suggesting alternative words and terminologies. And if you are a non-native English speaker, the word suggestion feature by our online corrector in English can help you improve and expand your vocabulary.

Plagiarism Check
Plagiarism is the fraudulent, unethical act of using someone else’s idea or text without properly attributing the original author. Whether intentional or accidental, plagiarism can have serious implications and must be avoided at all costs. In the academic setting, plagiarism often attracts low grades, academic probation, and even definite expulsion from school.
In English writing, there are four major types of plagiarism, all of which are considered serious transgressions against academic and professional honesty. They’re namely:
On top of being an English grammar check online free utility, the tool also doubles as a comprehensive grammar checker. It will scan your texts and compare them against billions of web pages and academic databases to establish whether they contain duplicate content. It will also help highlights sentences in your writing that require citations, as well as suggest possible resources needed to properly cite and credit your sources.
There are also plans to integrate an AI-generated content detector into our existing grammar checker English utility in the future.
Benefits of Using an English Grammar Checker vs Manual Editing
For many years, there has been a raging debate as to the benefits of grammar English check utilities vis-a-vis those of traditional manual editing. Those in favor of grammar checkers argue that these invaluable tools make the proofreading process painless by automating essential writing functions, while those against them opine they lack human comprehension, hence unreliable.
Both manual and automated proofreading methods have their own distinct merits and demerits, and the key lies in choosing the one that best suits your needs.
Either way, let’s briefly put them against each other to see which one offers more benefits than the other:
Editing and proofreading are easily the most time-consuming phases of any writing project. They entail tearing down sections or chapters of a manuscript, shifting ideas, streamlining word choice usage, eliminating grammatical errors, and much more. If you have the time and skills as a writer, combing through your texts manually and underlining all the mistakes may be an ideal proposition.
If you don’t have the time and editing skills, however, the time taken to proofread your work into a final draft can significantly start to rack up. Luckily, most English check grammar free checkers detect grammatical errors automatically, meaning you don’t have to worry about silly spelling or typo errors while writing. And unlike human editors, grammar checkers use advanced AI algorithms to find errors with incredible speed and accuracy, letting you divert your time to other important things such as research.
At the very basic, any human editor worth their salt should be able to find and fix (most if not all) grammar-related mistakes. Done manually, however, it may take a significantly longer period, considering they have to pinpoint a specific grammar transgression and fix it in isolation. This loop is repeated until all the mistakes are identified and eliminated.
Grammar checkers, on the other hand, can help you flag and correct multiple grammar-related mistakes concurrently. What’s more, most free English grammar check tools are powered by AI and NLP technologies, meaning they get better with time. Compare this to human editors who solely rely on raw editing skills and accumulated experience to execute their work, something which can be rendered obsolete with time.
Contextual Learning
Aside from making small footnotes on your manuscripts, a human editor can only do so much to provide the contextual background behind every error in your content. And for an industry that is evolving constantly, it can be hard for human editors to keep tabs on emerging trends, leaving them prone to providing biased feedback based on their skills and experience.
Using a sentences checker English utility like ours lets you see how different words relate and interact with one another within a sentence or paragraph, improving contextual learning. For instance, a good grammar checker will explain why a certain word is incorrect and why you should use it correctly, and vice versa.
When researching and writing your content, you may not necessarily need the services of a professional human editor. As soon as loop them into the editing phase, however, they need to be aligned with the overall objective of your writing, or else, risk throwing your project into limbo. While at it, you need to maintain an open and constant channel of communication to avoid miscommunication and keep track of the progress of your project.
Hiring a professional editor is undoubtedly a costly affair. According to the website ZipRecruiter, the average hourly salary of a proofreader in the US is $43, with the average annual salary being $93,000. By all means, this cost may prove high for, say a student or a small start-up company operating on a limited budget.
Luckily, most online tools let you check grammar English usage without spending a single dime, albeit with limited features and functionalities.
Whether you are a student, professional writer, or a company, solving ineffective communication in your writing can be tricky, especially if you don’t have the skills and wherewithal. You need to equip yourselves with an online grammar checker like ours is a good start.
This AI-powered communication assistant is equipped with all the necessary instruments to help you properly express your insights and perspective. Still, it is cloud-hosted, allowing you to edit your content 24/7.
In any particular academic year, students are required to write multiple essays and assignments. An English grammar checker and corrector can be a handy utility for students and learners by helping eliminate mistakes in their essays, thesis, dissertation, and any other academic materials.
Likewise, teachers need to check, grade, and provide feedback on academic papers submitted by their students on an almost daily basis. This online software can save time taken to grade student essays, check for grammatical errors, and flag accidental plagiarism.
Content Writers and Journalists
Compared to native writers and journalists, non-native writers face difficulties in landing well-paying jobs, as most don’t have a good grasp of the different English grammar rules and their respective applications in written communication.
Who Can Use Our English Grammar Corrector
Although there are multiple grammar checkers out there, not all of them are created equal. As indicated above, some come with limited functionalities, while others go all out in terms of providing a suite of editing and proofreading features.
If you fall under the following category of people, you will find a check English grammar online

How Does Our Free English Grammar Checker Work?
You can easily flag and fix grammatical errors in your texts with our free English grammar check tool. Follow the following easy steps to deploy the tool:
Step 1
Copy-paste your textual content into the provided space or upload the file directly from your device.
Step 2
Hit the Check Grammar button and wait for a few seconds for the utility to highlight all the spelling and grammar errors. The tool will also offer suggestions on how to fix the errors.
Step 3
Accept the suggestions by hovering over the suggestions with a mouse and clicking on them.